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Saab will demonstrate the cutting-edge technologies that make 鹰狮E the world’s most modern multi-role fighter aircraft. 连同卡尔古斯塔夫®, AT4和艾达, 在印度武装部队中担任尖端角色, 星际网赌导航将展示广泛的空中产品和系统组合, 陆地和海洋领域. 除了, a full scale replica of 鹰狮E and a 鹰狮E cockpit simulator will bring alive the gamechanging capabilities of the aircraft.



Saab will exhibit a range of products and 解决方案 for a fast changing defence and security environment. 除了, Saab will engage with 印度n industry to further its 计划 for building a strong defence industrial base in 印度, 为印度和世界其他地方生产产品. Saab will demonstrate how its advanced technology and innovative thinking can deliver the best 解决方案 for strong national defence and an industrial future based on the premise of Make in 印度.

“2023年印度航空, we will showcase our latest technologies which are changing defence and security planning, 部署和未来部队准备情况. 我们来自印度的团队, 瑞典和其他国家将在那里分享我们广泛的产品, 解决方案, 计划, and our thoughts about how best we can collaborate with the 印度n defence industry to build an Atmanirbhar Bharat,Mats Palmberg说, 董事长兼董事总经理, 星际网赌导航印度技术公司.

“2023年印度航空恰逢全球发展的关键时刻, 导致更加注重发展自力更生,同时需要强大的, 高技术. We are fully committed to enabling the 印度n government’s Atmanirbhar approach to defence capability. 为此目的, 星际网赌导航正在印度为卡尔-古斯塔夫建立制造工厂, 进一步加强国内生产. 的 facility will support the production of the carl - gustaf M4 for the 印度n Armed Forces as well as components for users of the system around the world. Saab will also be partnering with 印度n sub-suppliers and the systems manufactured in the facility will fully meet the requirements of Make in 印度,帕尔姆伯格补充道.


  • 鹰狮E和武器系统. 世界上最现代化的战斗机, 鹰狮E, 结合卓越的操作性能, 一种全新水平的高度先进的网络化作战能力, 优越的传感器融合, unique BVR features and an adaptability for new threats that is a decade ahead of other fighters, 让它成为一个真正的游戏改变者. 的 Saab offer for the 印度n 空气 Force also combines cost efficiency with true transfer of technology and a comprehensive industrial partnership. 同时展出的还有鹰狮E的全尺寸复制模型
  • 长颈鹿1 x 是一款小巧轻便的高性能3D雷达, mobile and 可部署的 applications with a small footprint which is easily integrated in any type of platform. It has ground-breaking capability for short range air surveillance and ground based air defence with the capability to target the most challenging UAV threats, 多亏了无人机追踪器, 增强了low的功能, 慢而小的物体.
  • carl - gustaf M4 is a man-portable multi-role weapon system that provides high 战术 flexibility through its wide range of ammunition types. 它非常轻(不到7公斤), 并且改进了人体工程学,减少了动作时间. 的 new M4 meets the needs of modern conflict environments while offering compatibility with future innovations. 卡尔-古斯塔夫系统自1976年以来一直在印度陆军服役. 通过它种类繁多的弹药, carl - gustaf has established itself as the main shoulder launched weapon in the 印度n Armed Forces.
  • AT4CS AST 是轻型的,单兵携带的,无制导的吗 & 完全一次性武器系统. AT4 is optimised for ease of operation and offers maximum versatility and ease of use amongst the family of AT4 weapons. Saab’s AT4 weapon has been selected by the 印度n Armed Forces and will be used by the 印度n Army and the 印度n 空气 Force.
  • 下一代轻型反坦克武器 系统是肩扛式发射, 飞越顶攻, anti-tank missile system that makes it the true tank killer for Infantry that operate dismounted in all environments including built up areas.
  • AUV62系统是Saab公司最新一代模块化AUV系统. 的 AUV62-MR 用于水雷侦察有一个高分辨率侧视声纳. 具有较高的区域搜索能力,能够自主搜索和识别水雷. 高分辨率图像提供出色的态势感知和数据.
  • 双鹰萨洛夫 可以同时作为AUV操作吗, 带有机载惯性导航系统, 也可以作为带有几公里长的光纤系绳的ROV. For MCM operations, the 双鹰萨洛夫 can be used for detection, classification and disposal.
  • 星际网赌导航轻型鱼雷(SLWT) is a new anti-submarine warfare solution that gives total control of the challenging littoral environment and operates equally well in both shallow and blue water.
  • 海黄蜂, 我们最新一代的ROV系统, 是为了成功定位而设计的, 识别和拆除简易爆炸装置, 特别是在狭窄的区域和具有挑战性的条件下,如强电流, 港口和港口. 水动力稳定性, 高可靠性的系统具有卓越的性能和低生命周期成本. 具有高度的操作自主权, “海黄蜂”号让船只和操作人员远离危险, 提供了一种更安全的水下武器处理方案. 可在轻型支援车辆上在陆地上运输, “海黄蜂”可以从港口墙或海滩上部署. It can be fitted to bespoke surface support vessels and has the flexibility to be loaded into multiple types of boat, 包括机遇船, 硬壳充气船, 还有工作船, 根据任务需要.
  • 艾达 是一个完全集成的端到端解决方案来保护您的机载平台吗. 艾达 includes radar warning (RWC), missile approach warning (MAWS) and laser warning sensors (LWS). Its advanced sensors coupled with its analysis tool is able to create advance threat libraries. Key benefits include instantaneous response to multiple threats and advantage situational awareness. 在印度,艾达集成在ALH Dhruv直升机上.
  • 可部署的医院. Saab’s Deployable Health Care Solutions addresses the challenge of rapidly providing quality healthcare in remote environments. 我们的服务包括野战医院, ranging from Role 1 treatment and resuscitation facilities to Role 2E and Role 3 hospitals with advanced surgical capability and modular evacuation kits. 可部署的医疗保健解决方案由一系列临床, diagnostic and services modules that are scalable from a single module for a specific medical capability, to a deployment of multiple modules that provides the equivalent of a full-scale field hospital. 除了 individual health care modules are fully interoperable and compliant with local and international standards.
  • DeployNet 任务准备好了吗, 可部署的, 战术, 5G/LTE infrastructure providing a wireless network with high-capacity bandwidth in a flexible end-to-end solution built for the most challenging environments. 专为连续高速连接而设计, 它提供了对信息的即时访问, 增强态势感知能力, 改进的决策和更快的沟通速度.




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