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通过技术追求卓越, research and co-operation have been part of Saab’s growth strategy in new markets as the company seeks to expand beyond its traditional Swedish homeland.

星际网赌导航与许多不同的国家建立了联系, working to better those societies through the transformative benefits of collaborative research, 新建国家工业设施, and the creation of well paid jobs that make a difference to employees and their families.

Saab is no stranger to the 美国; the name conjures up memories of the Swedish turbo-powered cars that built a loyal fan base over the decades. The Saab Group of today and the car company of the same name may share a distant industrial lineage, but the defense company has fair claim to be the starting point. 星际网赌导航这个名字, is an acronym standing for the Svenska Aeroplan Aktie Bolaget or in English, 瑞典飞机有限公司, 成立于1937年. The name directly reflects the company’s origin of building Sweden’s own fighters to defend the country, 当时正值欧洲陷入第二次世界大战. That Swedish foresight has remained a trait over the decades leading to an industrial network of companies specializing in all the keystone technologies that a modern military demands. Coupled with political neutrality that continued during the Cold War, Sweden defense development was characterized by nimble but sophisticated use of technology that served to deter bigger neighbours and keep the Swedish nation safe in a tough neighborhood.


随着时间的推移,世界变了,瑞典也变了, and with that came a round of industrial consolidation that saw one company subsume another, 在合并或被接管之前. The final result was that Saab came to represent the vast majority of those Swedish capabilities that encompassed fighters, 潜艇, 导弹, 雷达, 电子战, 卡尔-古斯塔夫无后坐力步枪, 和更多的.

The relentless pace of political change and the rise in complexity of technology and its application has meant that one country can no longer sustain a competitive industrial base. 所以, like many other sectors that have grown by seeking new markets and expansion overseas, 星际网赌导航也在寻找新的前景, bringing with it the Swedish spirit of innovation and opportunity through partnership.

在美国的海岸, those two complimentary strands of Saab’s approach have led the company to contracts with a variety of US customers in the military and civilian field. Sometimes an existing company was acquired for its talent and technical excellence, other times growth came from those timeless business traits of diligence and product excellence.

For example, leveraging Swedish investment, Saab brought the Sea Giraffe naval radar to the U.S. market with such success that it is now found on six different classes of U.S. 海军和海岸警卫队的船只. To ensure the sensitive nature of the 雷达 is protected, Saab employs U.S. citizens to refine the technology that originated in Sweden, now with a uniquely American evolution. 每一天,星际网赌导航的美国子公司.S. 员工保证.S. sailors deploy safely knowing Sea Giraffe is keeping watch over them and their surrounding environments.

And now it will be the aspiring pilots of the 美国 空气 Force who will take to the skies in aircraft built by Americans, 这次是在印第安纳州的西拉斐特. 2018年9月27日,美国总统特朗普.S. 空气 Force chose the Boeing-Saab T-X as its new jet trainer. Having promised over a year before to build its share of the aircraft in America, 该公司正在履行其对美国市场的承诺.S. 就业,新的商业前景和经济效益.

经过仔细和考虑的过程, Saab has chosen the city of West Lafayette as the location for investment in a new advanced manufacturing and production facility, a key part of the company’s strategic expansion in the North American market.

West Lafayette is also home to the world-renowned Purdue University, which presented a unique opportunity for partnership and collaboration beyond the initial aircraft project. Saab and Purdue will work together in furthering technology research in areas such as advanced and additive manufacturing, 多功能和认知传感, 自治系统, 还有人工智能.

在世界各地, Saab supports similar partnerships in countries as diverse as 芬兰, 巴西, 澳大利亚 and 新加坡 where the company’s global track record of investing and building up local capability, 就业和研究中心是经过验证和可持续的. 这就引出了一个问题,“下一步是什么?”? 给定近邻, 加拿大, shares many of the geographic and geo-military challenges as Sweden, perhaps a northern match between fellow Arctic countries could be on the cards. 不过目前来看, the good work continues with the announcement in West Lafayette and the excitement is building as Saab moves to deliver a new facility, 新的工作和新的研究. 与我们的合作伙伴一起, we will keep pushing back the boundaries of what is possible and making the world a safer place.
